Thursday, April 29, 2010

Olay Regenerist Eye Serum, .5-Ounce Bottle Review

I came across Olay Regenerist Eye Serum at my aunt's. We were having a late lunch one afternoon and started talking about various cosmetics and brands. That is when she told me about Olay Regenerist Eye Serum. She had tried a few others but said that this was thee best. I was a skeptic at that point. She said that wrinkles near her eyes had started reducing due to Olay Regenerist Eye Serum in a matter of weeks....

Saturday, April 24, 2010

When to Throw Away your Makeup?

It isn't always easy to throw away makeup that has gotten old. "Oh! that lovely shade of brown lipstick. This was my favorite eye-shadow. This shade of foundation was just perfect." I know, I know. Been there, done that. It can get very hard. But you need to remember one thing. Old makeup is not good for you and your health. Your skin and other organs will thank you for getting rid of it. You don't want to end up with...

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Thee Beauty Shop Store Launch!

Hey you lovely people! We just launched "Thee Beauty Shop Store". It is filled with all the beauty products at the best prices. From Maybelline to CK to cheaper brands. Do you want to buy a razor or an epilator? Or perhaps, skin care, nail care or hair care products? Perfums you say? It is all available at (Click below to go to the store)                            ...

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Maybelline Eyeliner Pencil by Eyestudio Review

Let's talk about my latest find. Well actually, my sister's latest find. My adorable sis gifted me two Maybelline eyestudio eyeliner pencils a while ago. These eyeliner pencils come in a bunch of pretty colors- Purple, Teal, Pink, Blue and a few more. I received the Teal and Blue colored Maybelline eyestudio eyeliner pencils as a gift. What I like about Maybelline eyestudio eyeliner pencils? 1. The colors are not bright...
Click: Amazon Beauty Store

Disclaimer-Information, beauty product reviews and beauty tips provided in the site are based on my (the blog owner's) personal experience.

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